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Monday, October 30, 2017


I know there may be more coming, but this doesn't seem like the "smoking gun" many were hoping for. This morning's indictments by the Grand Jury investigating President Trump's alleged ties to Russia seem pretty lame, and in fact they don't even mention Trump once and the allegations pre-date Trump's entrance into the Presidential Campaign

Like I said originally, there may more to come, but the questions regarding collusion with Russia need to be answered, one way or the other. These indictments could very well be a tool to get Manafort to cooperate and apply the leverage Mueller needs  to get that cooperation.

Time will tell


Anonymous said...

ANother grusome homicide #26 for new englands rising star.
The zion street area will be closed for massive hazmat to clean up the mess.
26 thus far is not good, especially headed towards the holidays.
Where is foley and his warmth rebuttle of the rising crime level in the city ??

ALTLEFT said...

Kevin there is no fishing expedition here. Manafort is guilty as sin, so is his Consigliere Gates. This is typical republican tactic of reaching and hoping to grab a hold of something but guess what? There is nothing to grab on to so you and your fellow right wingers can bring up HRC, Obama, Uranium 1, and Monica all you want. Facts are Facts at the end of the day. Trumps going down!



I won't disagree that Manafort is guilty .....of Money Laundering , Income Tax Evasion and probably a few other things, but I don't seee anything in that indictment that mentions the Trump Campaign or Russian campaign fixing. And when did paying attention to facts become a "Right Wing" thing, anymore than condoning corruption is a "Left Wing" thing

RB said...

From what I see, Manafort's guilty. What people are missing, is that this happened before he was Trump's campaign manager.

I'm getting impatient waiting for a Special Prosecutor to look into Hillary's sale of Uranium,(Fact), the wiping of her server (...Like with a cloth...?), donations to the Clinton Foundation, etc. Holder's gun running, Sweet Loretta's meeting with Bill on the tarmac, the Benghazi LIE.

Anonymous said...

Manafort was Trump's campaign chairman for 3 months. Three months only and then he was out. O-U-T.
So what does Trump got to do with this? Manafort was running his own business in Russia, Ukraine and other former Soviet Union republics. I don't see any Trumps involvement. I see Bill and Hillary's financial involvement with the Chinese, the Saudis and anyone with deep pockets

Anonymous said...

Fishing, fishing expedition without a doubt. Doing all they can to "get" President Trump. These politicians want our president to fail as long as they remain in power, pretending to protest the public.

Anonymous said...

The charge of Conspiracy Against the United States is "pretty lame"?!? Wow. This administration could kill puppies and zealots like you would continued bowing to and defending it. Conspiracies, lies about attacks, private email servers, all just like Clinton, but "pretty lame" when it's convenient for you. You know what's pretty lame? Blind devotion to a hate mongering president who possesses a 6th grade level vocabulary and has accomplished ABSOLUTELY NOTHING of any value to this country. Now THAT'S pretty lame. No. It's pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Didn't care for my "puppy" post, so pretending it never happened, huh? Very trump-like. Thought as much.

Anonymous said...

The charge of Conspiracy Against the United States is "pretty lame"?!? Wow. This administration could kill puppies and zealots like you would continued bowing to and defending it. Conspiracies, lies about attacks, private email servers, all just like Clinton, but "pretty lame" when it's convenient for you. You know what's pretty lame? Blind devotion to a hate mongering president who possesses a 6th grade level vocabulary and has accomplished ABSOLUTELY NOTHING of any value to this country. Now THAT'S pretty lame. No. It's pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Trump's mouth needs to washed and cleansed. He is the most criminal head of the USA the country has ever had. Manafort is smart and slick. Of course he is involved with Trump and his nonsense. Dump Trump USA. Manafort is done.

RB said...

Trump dumped Manafort after a few months as his campaign manager.

Yes, it's criminal what he's done;

The stock market is at an all-time high.

Consumer confidence is at an all-time high.

He created more than a million jobs by undoing Obama’s regulations.

Unemployment rate is at a 16 year low.

Promotes buying and hiring American.

Reduced illegal immigration by over 70%.

He’s fighting back against sanctuary cities.

Changed the rules of engagement against ISIS.

Food stamp use is the lowest level in seven years.

Gas prices lowest in more than 12 years.

Basically, he's rescued the Country from the Lib-Dem machine.

I know I, and many others, were not happy with Obama, yet I don't remember people wanting to eliminate the Electoral College, pushing for a Popular Vote, or running their mouths about Impeachment, ever since he became President!

As far as Trumps mouth,NO ONE will ever claim he's Politically Correct.
He's rough around the edges, but he speaks the truth!

RB said...


What's Trump done, in your estimation, that makes him a criminal?

Does Trump's IRS target Liberal groups?
It wasn't Trump who wiretapped the AP's phones.
Trump didn't originate "Fast & Furious" did he?
Was it Trump who ILLEGALLY ended the Welfare To Work requirement
passed by Congress?
How many "Recess Appointments" has Trump made, Which directly violates
Constitutional Rules?

So, enlighten us. Exactly what has Trump done that is considered "Criminal"?

Anonymous said...


For a similar reason, he didn't like my post either. From thick skin to thin skin.

Anonymous said...

Mueller is going to uncover dirty money used to finance Trump's Soho Hotel.

Anonymous said...

He's deported a ton of criminal turds! That makes it well worth my vote!!

Anonymous said...

What dirty money financed the SoHo hotel?
What about Hillary's dirty money from Saudi Arabia, China and other unfriendly countries she was dealing with?

General Grievous said...

My take - Manafort may be guilty of financial crimes, to about the same extent as most influence peddlers are in the DC swamp. Possibly this indictment is to shake the trees and see if Manafort has anything at all to show Russian collusion, which is completely missing so far.

Apparently we are to believe that Russian funded ads, that were if anything more critical of Trump than Hillary, affected the election? Can Mueller name one person who voted for Trump because of alleged 'Russian collusion'? I'll wait.

Anonymous said...

at 8:11
If you're looking for "dirt", I'll get you one: Donna Brazil's, head of the DMV, revealing to Hillary Clinton the debate questions in advance of the debates.
I hope this is dirty or corrupt enough for you.



Anonymous said...

should be DNC, not DMV (it's the computer speller, sorry)

Anonymous said...

Hillary hijacked the Democratic party well before she became the nominee, blocking both Biden and Bernie from access to funds and data, making it impossible for them to win.