After the IAD report into "double dipping" and larceny allegations against former Hartford Police Officer Hector Robles, a departmental hearing was held into the charges. That hearing evenually resulted in the termination of Robles. The report of the hearing officer, Captain Achilles Rethis, is below. Robles is also the State Representative for the 6th District, recently re-elected as the Democratic candidate
Robles Hearing Officer Report
"Attorney Halloran alleged political pressures and that he believed it was not coincidental the investigation commenced the day Officer Robles filed a complaint with the chief of police and the Attorney General/Chief States Attorney for his transfer from Community Service Officer to Patrol due to alleged performance issues."
Finally, the last piece of the puzzle I was waiting for. We now know why Robles was singled out when there's a dozen cops doing this very same thing.
Very good report writing by Cpt Rethis. Robles is going to have a tough time getting out of this one. The only shot I see is if the state brings charges against him and he's acquitted by a jury. Not too likely.
Thanks for posting this Kevin.
The anonymous posting has "disappeared" twice now and I'm not sure why.
Here it is "cut and pasted":
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WHERE IS THE "LIST OF ELEVEN OTHERS" ?":
Wake up Kevin, please. I’m not saying anything new here that half the PD doesn’t already know. You are getting controlled info from your sources.
Really that number of eleven was an estimate early on in the investigation, and it was well known long before Dailey's interview that others were involved, including IAD investigators. In fact, it was well known as soon as they started looking into all the top money earners in the PD. You have those names right? Audit them. Check all your beloved present or former IAD Sgt’s making $130K+. LOOK INTO THE TOP EARNERS AT EACH RANK, YOU WILL FIND YOUR NAMES AND YOUR FRAUD.
Robles aint the first cop to do this. DO YOU THINK HE IS THE FIRST AND ONLY TO DISCOVER THIS FLAW!!!! Everyone knows this. Manson screwed up by mentioning other names to Dailey. Now the PD is creating this investigative tactic excuse as a convenience.
Look, an officer is getting fired and possibly arrested for this behavior. It is very likely others were engaged in this behavior. Maybe Chief Roberts (your buddy- despite what he says behind your back in command staff meetings) should hire an outside investigator to do an audit of the Officers who have worked the most private jobs. That would quell any distrust. Guess what, that audit will never happen unless the state orders it. And if it does, you are going to find a lot of white out on those time cards by now.
Oh yeah, really? That computer system is coming to correct this problem. OK. Don’t hold your breath on that one. Correct the problem, without looking back to see who has cheated. Typical. Kinda like all that domestic violence crap and EAP help the chief is working on for his officers, still waiting on that one…. Didn’t Windsor PD go to the Chief’s house recently on a domestic dispute??? I'm not sure. Windsor PD response is public info right? I’m not sure…
Coward #2
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