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Monday, March 1, 2010


For anyone that watched Democratic Registrar of Voters Olga Vazquez on the stand last week, it was quite apparent that the truth is not one of her strong suits.

Then this afternoon I got a couple of phone calls from City Hall employees. One of them asked me right out how much money I make off this blog. After I finished chuckling, I told them not a penny. I further related that if I figured it out, it probably costs me quite a bit. Figure the cost for copies of documents alone, typically fifty cents a page for anything obtained from the city. Not to mention the amount of time that goes into researching a post before I will put them up here.

Then, after coming back to seriousness, I asked them why they asked.

Apparently Olga Vazquez has encouraged people not to go to my blog because she has told them I make a dollar for every time someone goes to the blog. And after hitting 50,000 hits this weekend that must equate to me making $50,000 ,at least, off "we the people".

If Olga is trying to get people to boycott the blog, can an rJo Winch boycott be far behind?

Not one penny has been made off the blog my City Hall friends, so feel comfortable to continue reading. The only pay-off I'm looking forward to is the day these corrupt individuals are swept out of city hall and the cleansing can begin


Anonymous said...

Kevin, I would actually pay $1 to support your blog! (Don't get any ideas.) Seems like city hall can't handle the truth nor wants anyone else to hear it. I've lived in Hartford my whole life and when I hear how some at 550 Main St. are living off the taxpayers money, it angers me and I wouldn't be aware of any of it if it weren't for "we the people". So keep up the hard work. This city needs your blog and I will continue to encourage others to read it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kevin I just want to say you have been the light this city needs keep up the good work, and as for olga she has never told the truth she cant handle the truth its ashame that the second time around she couldnt prove herself to be different. she turn out to be just like el jefe that she critized on her last election that she lost. you act like trash you become trash she has disgraced alot of the latinos in the city that lives by honesty. she is shameful in many ways sad day that she followed el jefe:(

Anonymous said...

For all your credible information and very hard work you do deserve to be compensated. However, if you were the people you inform us about would indeed lament that you do it purely for profit. Your credability is proven time and time again.