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Monday, July 8, 2013


Here is the Hartford Courant's take on the matter from reporter David Owens,0,1728039.storywens

George Colli from Channel 30 also did a good story regarding this, you can watch it here


Where's my key said...

No cover up by Jared's personal Cop who is making more in OT than any one else. Kevin you should FOI that city phone the boy blunder still had you'll see texts back and forth to Spell. I wounded what them might say, hummm, maybe, hey take the car but don't do anything stupid with it, oops too late for that. The dumbest move was taking it in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Super Sleuth said........

Any "personal" cop could have easily covered this one up, and would be very easy to find out if anyone with half a brain took the time to conduct a little investigation. But most of these bloggers will take time to post ridiculous info but don't even want to make an arrest at work out of laziness. Everyone wants to work PJ's and everything is about money to most here and police work comes last.
If JK had any cops in his pocket why weren't they called? Ask Dinger if any cop tried calling him or contacting him to cover this up. Good idea kevin,lets see who he did or did not text, this is an easy one!

Anonymous said...

Jared gets pinched, CSA's Office inspectors sit down with him, offer immunity and everyone goes to visit a Grand Jury. Segarra better "remember" that somebody gave permission to Jared to keep that car.

Anonymous said...

To Where's my key said......

Very stupid, try "spell" check before posting your stupid comments, or maybe you didn't get enough sleep midnights patrol?